未來將擔任福智佛教學院的客座教授Prof. Lobsang Tenzin Negi,2024年5月8日獲頒托馬斯·傑斐遜獎。這個獎項是每年授予埃默里大學教職員工的最高榮譽,旨在表彰其對大學的卓越服務。今年特別表揚Prof. Negi創立了「冥想科學與慈悲為本倫理中心」,三十多年來致力於為「人類的一體性」架起東西方兩種傳統的橋樑,對人類有卓越貢獻。

Prof. Lobsang Tenzin Negi, who will serve as a visiting professor at the Bliss and Wisdom Buddhist College, received the Thomas Jefferson Award on May 8, 2024. This award is the highest honor presented annually to Emory faculty and staff who demonstrate excellence in service to the university. This year, Prof. Negi was specifically recognized for founding the Center for Contemplative Science and Compassion-Based Ethics and for his outstanding contributions to one humanity over the past thirty years by bridging Eastern and Western traditions for one humanity.

