Post category:動態報導 福智高中第14屆校友李慶文同學擔任禮賓組義工,談到對這所大學的期望。 Ching-Wen Lee, a 2022 graduate of Bliss and Wisdom Senior High School, served as a volunteer in the concierge team and talked about his expectations for this university. Please Share This Share this content Opens in a new window Opens in a new window Opens in a new window You Might Also Like 【《啟信金樑 幸福繞樑》福智佛教學院行政圖書資訊大樓上樑典禮】 31 1 月, 2023 【Prof. Negi給大學的祝福 / Prof. Negi’s Blessings for the University】 3 2 月, 2023 【面對疫情堅持精進】 12 3 月, 2020