Post category:動態報導 佛教學院籌備處曾旭正副主任歡喜談上樑典禮並傳遞真如老師的鼓勵話語。 Shu-Cheng Tseng, Deputy Supervisor of the Bliss and Wisdom Buddhist College Preparatory Office, talked happily about the beam-raising ceremony and conveyed words of encouragement from Master Zhen Ru. Please Share This Share this content Opens in a new window Opens in a new window Opens in a new window You Might Also Like 【李慶文同學參加上樑典禮心得 / Ching-Wen Lee’s experience in participating in the beam-raising ceremony】 10 4 月, 2023 【曾玉貞財務長為上樑典禮祝福 / Chief Financial Officer Zeng Yuzhen Gave Blessings at the Beam-raising Ceremony】 7 2 月, 2023 【Prof. Negi給大學的祝福 / Prof. Negi’s Blessings for the University】 3 2 月, 2023
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【曾玉貞財務長為上樑典禮祝福 / Chief Financial Officer Zeng Yuzhen Gave Blessings at the Beam-raising Ceremony】 7 2 月, 2023